Do you have allergies and need to have your questions answered by an allergist?
Do you have plans for the weekend and need to know the pollen levels?
AlergiApp is the application with which you can solve your doubts through a chat with Merck specialist in allergies and also know the latest news about allergy and pollen levels throughout the Spanish territory.
Main allergens detected by AlergiApp:
You will find monthly information by area and according to the following types of allergens (name in Latin):
Birch (Betula Alba), Alders (Alnus glutinosa), Artemis (Artemisia vulgaris), Hazel (Corylus avellane), Ash (Chenopodium album), Rye (Secale cereal), Cypress (Cupressus spp.), Gramineae (Gramineaea), Beech ( Fagus sylvatica), Plantain (Plantago lanceolate), Olive (European Olea) and Parietaria (Parietaria officinalis).
Registration: to start using this application you must first complete some basic information, such as name, age, email, if you have allergy to pollen or not and if you follow any treatment, so that our allergist specialists can give you the best advice.

VacunAlert: this section has a system of vaccine alerts and a follow-up of your Merck vaccine treatment.

Locate your clinic: just by entering your zip code or city, the app locates your nearest clinic with the specialists you need.

AlergiChat: with this function you can ask directly to a group of allergists any questions you have about the allergy, causes, remedies, how to prevent symptoms...

Pollinic Map: the app has pollen maps where you can see the level of pollen from all Spain according to the month you select.

AlergiTips: inside this section you will find news and updated tips to improve the status of your allergy. Also, you will find information on all types of allergies (animals, medicines, food, etc.).